
In November 2017, I started an Instagram page to share my writing more openly, I started to include some photos of myself too. Putting a face to β€œA Dancer in the Rain” and losing the anonymity that has kept my writing safe has kinda backfired. I felt I was ready to reveal more… of myself, of my heart. But it’s not that easy (understatement) and the women writers I admire, I admire mostly for their vulnerability and bravery.

How can I call myself a writer when I’m silencing myself, my story, my truth, the ugly and beautiful? It’s always been my way… Until it stopped, until I got a face and became shy. Censored. (β€œwhat if he/she/they read this…?” )

2022 I plan to start writing again, so I’m stepping back to step up again. Like really really. Which means- No polite little captions on Instagram. Proper stuff, too-long-for-Insta-gratification stuff, most-people-won’t-read-this-far, real stuff. #nofilter 

My writing will continue to be published HERE and I am working towards finding the courage to be my uncensored, undiluted voice again. Where the magic lies! Those magic words that make myself laugh, make me cry! Comfort, support, wisdom. The dark and the light, the witty and wild, the grief and heartbreak, the journey, the truth. Between me, my(higher)self and I.

I hope to, in any way, inspire with my words – words that are sometimes from my human heart and sometimes from a higher soul level. Even if I’m just inspiring myself to keep living and feeling this life and all the lessons through all the days, come rain or shine.

At the end of the day, A Dancer in the Rain has always been for me first and then for anyone who finds it and finds comfort in knowing they are not alone.

Let’s meet there!


#2022intentionsetting #truth #writeitout #figureitout #uncensored #imnothereforthelikes πŸ˜‰ #goinward

5 thoughts on β€œπ„π±π©π¨π¬πžπβ€

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  2. Took me time for you to read all you’ve written and I truly enjoyed the piece of writing.

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