Tonight my heart
(like the moon
!!) is very full. Celebrating two years of doing the work I love with love and with the most amazing women IN THE WORLD!

I officially joined The Ladies’ Project on 18(ish) November 2019 with just under 200 students and in 2 years our platform and everyone a part of it has grown to where we are today- New name, new home, new branding – bigger, more beautiful vision and sparkle sparkle for days
More gorgeous members = 600+ women being empowered through English and counting.

Same heart beat.

Expansion beyond my wildest dreams. And then some… What a ride!
Creativity, collaboration! Content creation, community development, team building and bonding, facilitating learning, sharing, coaching English language and confidence, seeing projects from being a potential idea (What if!?) to MAGICAL POWERFUL “IT’S HAPPENING” (Hell yes!) is just indescribable.

“Do what you love. Love what you do. It’ll carry you through!” – Me 

In November 2019, not only was divine timing on my side, setting me up for a fabulous busy purpose-filled 2020 lockdown. But also navigating this new world & exciting territory during 2021, one of the hardest years of my life, has been a Godsent – carrying me through the most difficult of times.

My passion is in following my purpose and being a vehicle for whatever light I can bring through.
To be able to bring so much of who I am to work and to be useful and valuable ESPECIALLY when the world as I knew it was either spinning out of control or grinding to a halt, has been THE LIGHT I NEEDED.
I struggle to use words like job /work in talking about what I do. We @hey_lady_community have even stopped using the word: “teacher” – Our English coaching team remains small yet powerful; a magical melting pot of all our strengths together. From Australia to the USA.

Empowering women through English.
Oh, the journey. 1 billion sparkles and beyond girls

Great content! Keep up the good work!