Be where you are!

Sky above me.
Earth below me.
Water beside me.
Mountain air around me.
Fire within my soul.
Peace & acceptance in my heart.

I dropped everything
and just surrendered
to everything that surrounded me.

We were taking a trail winding through the mountains. Due to the surprise snowfall the day before, streams were turning into rivers, and where we needed to cross was becoming increasingly difficult.

A few icy stream crossings later, I came to terms with the fact the rising river levels would probably trap us and I had the overwhelming urge to just stop.

That right there in the gradually diminishing dry section of the river bed was exactly where we were meant to be.

I dropped everything and just surrendered to everything that surrounded me.

Towering mountains that felt magnetic, glowing snowcapped peaks above, bird sounds, running pure mountain mineral water around, warm rocks massaging my back.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is just stop:

Because even when where you are isn’t where you feel like you should be
There are endless gifts &
There is boundless peace.

8 thoughts on “Be where you are!

  1. “Sometimes the best thing you can do is just stop:

    Because even when where you are isn’t where you feel like you should be
    There are endless gifts &
    There is boundless peace.”-
    So true! To have this kind of mindset is an absolute blessing. Thank you, Dani. ❤️ xxx

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